Andrew Beazley's comments on the failings of many outsourced claims advisers (16 September, Insurance Times) are deeply worrying for companies like my own in the claims management business.

Insurers are clearly waking up to the fact that there are a lot of cowboys out there - and that's having a negative effect on the reputation of all claims specialists, including those offering service of the very highest levels.

The answer for insurers is clearly to be careful in their choice of third party claims advisers.

Good outsourced specialists will offer an end-to-end solution, provide high quality customer care, including approved methods of dealing with complaints, and detailed management information that gives their insurer clients comprehensive data on what they're getting for their money.

Poor third party advisers will not be able to achieve this sort of service.

Another key test of quality third party advisers is that they should be prepared to work on a risk/reward basis to demonstrate that they have faith in their ability to deliver.

Many of the service providers that Andrew Beazley talks about will not.

By applying stringent criteria to their decision-making process when selecting third party claims advisers, insurers should be able to ensure that they always employ the good guys, rather than the cowboys that will always exist.

Bill Trueman
Absolute Customer Management

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