The FSA has launched an online self-assessment tool help firms determine whether they are doing all they can to treat their customers fairly.
The regulator said the tool was not a checklist, but is designed to indicate to smaller firms some of the areas on which they should focus in order to help ensure fair treatment of their customers.
The tool comprises a set of questions relating to the structure, the sales process and the after-sales care of customers to prompt smaller firms to consider if they have fully considered how the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) principles could be embedded into their business.
Sarah Wilson, the FSA's Director with responsibility for TCF, said:"The FSA expects treating customers fairly to be business as usual for all firms regardless of their size. But we do recognise that smaller firms may need additional help in identifying the areas on which they should focus.
“We are asking firms' management to use to the tool to consider how their firm performs against each of the areas we have highlighted, and to take action where they see gaps in their business strategy, culture or processes.”
She added: “We shall be monitoring smaller firms' progress in embracing TCF and may wish to discuss this in detail with them in future. In the meantime, firms should act to reduce any risks to TCF that they discover."
TCF has a central role in the FSA's supervision strategy for smaller firms, and the regulator will continue to carry out thematic work to assess progress in this area.
To help smaller firms implement and embed TCF into their business practices, the FSA said it would also offer special industry training and would continue to provide smaller firms with examples of good and bad practice on its website.