Insurers action on uninsured driving will keep 10,000 vehicles off the road...

A loophole allowing vehicles seized by the police from uninsured motorists to be returned to their owners is set to be closed. The police and insurance companies have taken this move as a further step forward in the fight against uninsured driving.

New model policy wordings issued by the ABI (Association of British Insurers) will prevent drivers collecting confiscated vehicles using the ‘Driving other Cars' provision in their motor policy, which normally enables them to drive any other vehicle with the owner's permission. The new wording specifically excludes collecting impounded vehicles.

Up to one in five of the 50,000 uninsured vehicles now being seized by the police are thought to be retrieved this way. One man in the Midlands recovered 60 vehicles by abusing this provision!

Justin Jacobs, the ABI's head of motor insurance, said: “Since the police highlighted this abuse we have acted quickly to stamp it out. This wording will help the police to make full use of their powers to tackle the menace of these illegal, often dangerous, motorists. And law - abiding drivers will still be able to use this provision for its original use of driving other cars on an occasional basis.”

Meredydd Hughes, Chief Constable, South Yorkshire Police, said: “The police have been frustrated by individuals abusing this provision to recover seized vehicles, which often end up back on the roads uninsured. I welcome this move by the industry, which should outlaw this practice and help police forces in their crackdown on this serious problem.”

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