It’s a week of results, but there’s still time to chat with Paul Geddes and spent a bit of time schmoozing in the Gherkin
Spent a nice evening at the Gherkin to celebrate the London office launch of Zurich’s high net worth business.
Grabbed a coffee near Lloyd’s with Sciemus, which models engineering risks and also operates as an MGA as a way of proving the underwriting application of its models. The company is considering becoming a full-blown insurer.
After tackling Lancashire’s results, it’s off to Bromley with Saxon East to chat to Paul Geddes and John Reizenstein about RBSI’s future.
Spent an intriguing half hour with risk modeller AIR Worldwide learning about their new German inland flood model, which is based on work they did in the UK.
In early to tackle results, and it seems Lloyds Banking Group has still not shaken off the effects of its £3.2bn PPI charge two quarters on.
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