White Rock, the Aon-owned company that deals in protected cell companies and rent-a-captives...

White Rock, the Aon-owned company that deals in protected cell companies and 'rent-a-captives', has announced the addition of a segregated accounts company, White Rock Insurance Bermuda.

White Rock Bermuda said it would provide an alternative risk management model for the middle market sector.

The White Rock model could provide a variety of risk management tools ranging from single mono-line programmes through to run-offs and securitisations, the company said.

Clive James, a director at White Rock, said: “The establishment of White Rock in Bermuda provides another cell captive option to our client base.

"Bermuda brings a number of exciting opportunities not only to the American region but to our worldwide risk managers.

"The flexibility of the Bermuda market for cells brings us the opportunity to provide a quick, simple, effective and cost beneficial method of entering the captive market.”
