All This Week articles – Page 6
This Week
Baden-Baden: ‘Cyclical trough’ needed to trigger reinsurance upturn
Fixation on upturn in reinsurance rates is ‘premature’ says analyst at Baden-Baden
This Week
'Perhaps Willis and Towergate have been guilty of pushing too far, too fast'
Following some major senior exits of late, we ask: are the big brokers forgetting their staff?
This Week
Talking points: The Towergate management shake-up
A closer look at the changes made by new chief executive Mark Hodges
This Week
Hastings moves to copy Admiral reinsurance model
Hastings and Advantage combined results indicate 145% EBITDA increase to £27m
This Week
Admiral abandons tax tussle amid speculation over depleted reserves
Insurer was seen as flagbearer for Gibraltar-based firms in dispute with HMRC
This Week
Fraud team wants more police data on suspects
IFB would obtain information on suspected frausters outside of usual data protection procedures
This Week
IT Spotlights: Technology - Market views
We talk to key figures in the industry about the future of insurance’s digital landscape
This Week
The Knowledge: Intermediated Personal Lines - Timeline
If you can’t beat ‘em online, join ‘em online
This Week
Acromas shareholders’ deficit leaps to £2.2bn
Figure comes on top of £512m after-tax loss at parent company of AA and Saga
This Week
Canopius seeks deal with Invesco in bid for Omega
Asset manager has casting vote in any takeover agreement under Bermudian law
This Week
'Nick Leeson said a friend once introduced him as “the only person to write a cheque and the bank bounces"'
This week, the Backchat Insider has enjoyed hearing a trader’s tales and an insurer boss’s tip for confusing the FSA
This Week
GLF 2011: ‘Ease rules on non-EU loss adjusters’
Government migration laws making shortage worse
This Week
'Belt-tightening is the order of the day'
Organic growth is just a pipedream for most brokers, but acquisition is a realistic aim for a handful of them
This Week
Stuart Reid, Bluefin
Following a tumultuous year, Bluefin’s chief exec is in bullish form about the future of the business and the difficult decisions it must take