It seems to be open season to have a shot at Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) and the clamour for blood grows evermore insistent. Wise heads nod in agreement that the company faces a bleak future.

The facts are that R&SA is not going bust and is not going to be the next Independent.

This is a venerable institution caught in a vicious crossfire between its past and a collapsing stock market.

Every broker and intermediary should recall the prosperity of the last few years and how much they owe to R&SA. This is the time to stop sniping and get behind a great British insurance company which needs our support as never before. Come on, lets stop lionising shooting stars and industry gurus and concentrate on restoring R&SA to robust good health.

David Murray Wells
Executive chairman

Send letters to Insurance Times, 30 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6YJ or email or fax 020 7618 3499
