Insurance training provider Searchlight has launched a new online insurance assessment system. CheckPOINT is product designed for firms who want an assessment-only system – or who want to add a wider range of assessments to their existing e-learning facilities.

CheckPOINT features a range of insurance assessment materials. For each of 100 different topics, it randomly selects 25 questions (each with four possible multiple choice answers) from a database of 70, making a total of 28,000 possible answers.

Another feature of CheckPOINT is that its assessments are timed. Users have 30 minutes to answer 25 multiple-choice questions. The system then generates a percentage score. Managers can then review each user's performance to see where additional guidance or training may be required.

CheckPOINT includes assessments on management, business and interpersonal skills as well as technical insurance skills.

Searchlight managing director Ian Jerrum commented: ‘I am very confident that in CheckPOINT we have a market-beating pure assessment product. We are more than happy for CheckPOINT to be judged against any competitor product and are looking forward to demo-ing the system to potential users at the 2007 BIBA Conference. We are also offering a one-month trial free of charge to give firms a chance to see for themselves how good this product is.'