Travel insurance specialist Mondial Assistance said it saw sales grow 3% during 2003, with good results in the UK and France.

Mondial UK chief executive Mike Webb said: “We are greatly encouraged by 2003's results, which have been positive in a difficult market. The figures highlight the UK's continued success and confirm our position as a key market for the group.

“We particularly saw solid growth in our travel insurance services, with a continued focus on the development of online sales to e-tourism players. Despite being an extremely competitive sector our vehicle assistance business also remained healthy.”

The group said it strengthened its presence in growing new markets during the year, in areas such as leasing and rental agencies, on a global scale.

“We will build on our success, driving the business forward in 2004 and beyond. The group aims to further develop the travel insurance and vehicle assistance business lines, which account for 88% of sales.

“We will also continue to streamline our processes in order to optimise costs and enhance performance,” said Webb.

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