Norwich Union Insurance chief executive Patrick Snowball has made misguiding comments which could potentially put his customers in a mis-buying position, said Biba chief executive Eric Galbraith.

Biba said that while Norwich Union had a duty to keep its shareholders content by cutting costs, it could not support the assumption that the independent advice and range of products provided by brokers could be replicated by phoning round call centres.

Galbraith warned: "People use brokers to get advice pertaining to their insurance needs, this may be as simple as 'find me the cheapest policy' but in the majority of occasions it's because the customer needs advice.

"We can almost guarantee that buying on price will not get you the most appropriate cover. And until such a time as we live in Orwell's `Brave New World' people will need a bespoke offering."

Galbraith added that former Hill House Hammond customers were welcome to find new brokers through the Biba website.

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