Multiassistance, the UK property repair and improvement network, has launched Multiaccess, a free on-line portal to aid loss adjusters.

The portal gives loss adjusters real-time remote access to reports, estimates, photographs and invoices for clients' property claims.

In addition to being able to view existing files on repairs being handled by Multiassistance, loss adjusters will be able to add reports, request further information and validate claims directly through the portal.

Multiassistance said that by increasing communication between the loss adjuster and property repairer, Multiaccess aims to significantly reduce the claims life cycle whilst greatly enhancing customer service.

Alex Kilpatrick, head of national accounts at Multiassistance said: “It is...vital that information is accessible and flows easily, so that decisions can be made without excessive delay.

"Users will potentially remove weeks from the property claim lifecycle.'

Multiassitance said it plans to work with its partner loss adjusters to roll out Multiaccess as soon as possible.
