HSBC Insurance Brokers has restructured into four core business areas. They will report to chief executive Mike Dixon.

The divisions are:

Direct Client Solutions will handle all the insurance and risk management of companies in the UK, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. It is headed by Tim Kemp and divided into General Corporate and Commercial risks under David Boosey and Specialist areas such as Education, Estates and Private Clients and Professional Indemnity under Peter Newnham.

International Solutions is separated into two specialist areas. Financial covering Financial Institutions, Directors and Officers and Errors and Omissions insurance and in the Captive Management areas. It is managed by Keith Jones. Non-financial will offer solutions to customers in Construction, Energy, Marine and Aviation. This area is managed by Peter Ahlas.

Intermediary Solutions will deal with the provision of solutions to local and international brokers and intermediaries. It is headed by Carol Ranger.

Reinsurance Solutions focuses on the provision of broking and consulting services to underwriters through the Treaty division, facultative business through the International Property and Casualty business area, and connected representative offices in Italy and Sweden. This grouping will be capable of supporting the insurance manufacturing sector within the HSBC Group and is headed by Morley Speed.

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