All articles by Ellen Bennett – Page 22
Another year, another depressing set of results for the UK motor market. Once again, insurers struggled to realise a profit on their motor books, besieged on all sides by soft rates, aggregators, and spiralling levels of fraud. This year, insurers released a record £1bn of reserves to prop up their ...
AA to step into pay as you drive vacuum left by NU
AA investigating PAYD technology and hoping to pilot a scheme by next year.
The climate challenge
Allianz UK chief executive Andrew Torrance chairs ClimateWise, the insurance industry’s initiative on climate change. He tells Ellen Bennett why insurers must do more to prepare the country for extreme weather events, and shares his views on other big issues facing insurers.
Hot Property
New chairman of the City Property Association , Bill Gloyn tells of his plans to bring the worlds of insurance and commercial property closer together and his flood fears for the City.
Senior shake-up for QBE casualty divison
Insurer appoints new managing director and underwriting director.
Consumers cut back on PPI as credit crunch bites
Analyst fears that without cover many could risk insolvency.
Get ready for Euro super regulator
A British MEP has suggested that Europe could hawe a single insurance regulator.
News Analysis
Our man in Brussels
MEP Peter Skinner talks about the progress of key insurance legislation through the EU bureaucracy.
Tough talking Maso sets out his agenda for change
In his first interview, the new AXA chief pledges a strong line on broker commissions.
Brit’s got talent
Brit’s Peter Burrows and Simon Cooter are not afraid to have fun but they are deadly serious about the business, which they expect to see more than double in the coming years.
QBE signs six-year deal with Network Rail
QBE has signed a six-year deal with Network Rail, brokered by Aon, to provide a range of insurance services.The programme, which includes business interruption and cross class liability cover, was designed to give Network Rail certainty during the next phase of its government funding, which runs for five years from ...
City landlords urge Boris to act on flood defences
City Property Association president warns London Mayor of a ‘potential disaster’
Stepping out from the shadows
The voice of Lloyd’s brokers is seldom heard, but Jonathan Palmer-Brown, the new chairman of their trade body, the LMBC, is going to change that
We must fight creeping regulation, says Galbraith
Biba chief tells annual conference to find market solution to latest FSA proposals.
The three-month battle to stop forced commission disclosure begins
Regulator consults on three options for managing disclosure to commercial customers, as BIBA calls on brokers to respond.