Cox Insurance is to rebrand its personal accident, illness, and business travel underwriting subsidiary Anthony Kidd Agencies.

From August, the company will be rebranded as Equity Red Star (Accident and Health) Ltd.

Cox said existing policies would not be affected by the change.

Since November 2002, all Anthony Kidd Agencies business has been underwritten by Equity Red Star and live policies previous to this date have already been transferred to Equity Red Star administration, said Cox.

Equity Red Star took over the administration of Anthony Kidd Agencies on 1 July 2004.

The newly renamed business would continue to offer the same range of underwriting services, including personal accident and illness, group accident and illness and group business travel, said the company.

Equity Red Star accident and health underwriter Chris Hill said: “The classes of business transacted will remain unchanged, as does the commitment to providing the consistently high quality of service and technical expertise associated with both Anthony Kidd Agencies and Equity Red Star.”

Brokers who currently hold an Equity Red Star motor or household agency and who do not use Anthony Kidd Agencies for their accident and health business will be able to arrange access to Equity Red Star (Accident and Health) Ltd without the need to complete new agency application forms.

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