Chubb Insurance has launched a new EDI facility for its Masterpiece Motor car policy. The company hopes that the policy will help brokers reduce administration and increase accessibility.

Masterpiece Motor has now been made available to Chubb brokers via the CDL software system.

Masterpiece Motor is targeted at consumers owning vehicles with a price tag of £30,000 or more. The product includes features such as net rated premiums, agreed value cover, a like-for-like courtesy car, generous driving restrictions and comprehensive third-party cover.

Chubb's motor manager, Ashley Cole, said: "Chubb is now unique in offering its brokers a multi-vehicle prestige car policy via EDI. We were first to market with manual multi-vehicle prestige motor policies, so it's fitting that we're first to market with this efficient automated capability."

CDL general manager, Rick Slater, confirmed the software house's commitment to working with Chubb. "We are delighted to have established this relationship with Chubb, and to be in a position where we can make this market-leading product available to our intermediaries."