Millions of drivers would resort to fraud to avoid jeopardising their insurance claim according to a new survey.

A study by price comparison website found that just one in five careless drivers would be up-front with their insurer.

Richard Mason, managing director of insurance at price comparison website,, said: “It's extremely worrying that one in three drivers would actively attempt a cover-up if their carelessness led to a claim.

“People may not see the omission of certain facts as fraud, but if these facts helped lead to the claim then that's exactly what it is."

The survey showed that men are more likely to withhold the true circumstances with 11% clinging tight to total innocence compared to 6% of women.

Richard Mason added:“Insurers are often seen as the bad guys, but there are two sides to any relationship and drivers need to own up to their mistakes. In such circumstances, insurers will assess the full details of the claim and are generally pretty reasonable when it comes to paying out.”

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