Another week, another senior exit – not to mention an unwelcome potential new hire

The team attends an advanced interviewing training course with an old hack from the Sunday Times. He stitches me up in front of the rest of the Insurance Times staff. Lovely stuff.

It’s an early start as I have breakfast with Tawa. Lots of brown sauce with my scrambled eggs on toast. Come back to the office to learn Willis UK boss Brendan McManus is gone. I wonder why?

Another early start, this time coffee with PwC. Back at the office and Danny, my colleague and co-Hammers fan, tells me that West Ham could be signing that old rascal El Hadji Diouf. Put simply, we’re not happy. We’re spitting feathers.

The McManus mystery rumbles on with all sorts of rumours swirling about. The conspiracy theorists are out in force.

It’s print day and I’m kept very busy making sure the magazine will be in good order.

Insurance Times Fantasy Football
