The Windsor Group reported a 21% increase in pretax profit, up to £4.04m for the year ending 30 September 2003. This compares with £3.35m for the same period in 2002. It is the sixth successive year of growth, said the company.

Revenue grew to £19.04m, up from £18.2m from the previous year. The company said the trading environment remained positive.

Windsor chairman David Low said the results reflected investment in the group's professional indemnity business which had produced excellent results. Windsor's liability business had continued to grow despite difficult market condition, added Low.

Low said the group would now focus on preparing for FSA regulation, which he said Windsor was well positioned to face and thrive under.

Commenting on the results, Low said: "Capacity remains a central issue, however, compared with the turmoil of the previous year, the absence of any major catastrophes has eased market conditions."

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