Mike Williams, Chief Executive of Biba, has thespian leanings and might write a play—about Essex girls?

What newspaper do you read?
Telegraph and Mail.

What career did you want to have when you were a child?
To be an actor.

Worst business decision you have ever made?
Not setting up an internet company 2 years ago.

What do you like best about insurance?
The variety of challenges.

And if you left the insurance industry?
I'd write a play.

How do you relax if you do not play golf?
With a glass of good red wine.

Biggest insurance claim you have ever made?
For my written-off Mini!

Who do you most admire?
Martin Luther King.

On dress-down Friday, what do you wear?

How many people have you sacked?
Too many people.

Favourite quote
Rage, rage against the dying of the light..........

Most over-used phrase
Being honest...

What keeps you awake at night?

What advice would you give someone starting in insurance today?
Integrity is everything.

What was your first job?
Trainee Fire Insurance Clerk

Favourite Film
The Graduate.

Favourite book
The Spanish Civil War by Hugh Thomas.

Favourite Dinner
Anything Mexican.

Favourite joke
Anything about Essex girls!

Public Transport
I spend half my life on trains.

I can't! (I have a US passport).

No thanks!
