Homes in Central Scotland most likely to make a storm related claim

Flooded road

Storm related home insurance claims have risen 68% in the last year, with policy holders in Central Scotland 117% more likely to claim for a storm.

A survey also found:

  • Almost 1 in 10 lightning claimant have made two claims for lightening damage
  • If you live in Wales and West you are 89% more likely to have a claim due to lightening
  • If you live in Yorkshire you are 143% more likely to have a claim due to a flood
  • If you live in London you are 47% more likely to have a claim due to a falling tree’s head of home insurance Mark Gabriel said: “The consequences of having insufficient home cover are potentially severe. 

Many insurers will offer home emergency cover as an optional extra on their contents policies – you will either be charged extra on your standard annual premium, or pay a monthly subscription fee.

“But make sure you shop around for cover as premiums can vary greatly between providers; a comparison site is a great way to do this.”

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