Product managing director departure follows Peppard and Keating exits as boss Hardy oversees shake up

AXA’s product managing director Craig Staniland is the latest big name departure at the insurer’s personal lines arm.

This follows the exits of managing director of claims Tony Peppard and managing director of intermediary and partner sales Mike Keating last year.

AXA personal lines chief executive and Swiftcover founder Steve Hardy has overseen a big shake-up of the business since taking over in October 2010.

Peppard was replaced as managing director of claims by AXA PPP customer service director Victoria Georgalakis in June last year.

Nick Turner was bought in as managing director of intermediary and partnership sales in December last year. He has filled the shoes of Keating, who now heads up the UK arm of Midas Underwriting.

Prior to Hardy’s arrival, the insurer had a combined operating ratio of 122% in 2009 for personal lines, according to AM Best.

The personal lines motor book had proved challenging, with a combined operating ratio of 120.4% in 2010, according to Towers Watson.

Paris wants a group COR target of below 96% in 2015, and AXA Personal Lines will be expected to contribute in some way to helping hit group targets.

Staniland was responsible for underwriting teams from personal lines intermediary, corporate partnerships, AXA direct and Swiftcover.

Peppard, who was appointed to the role at the beginning of 2011 following a wider restructuring of AXA’s personal lines business, was joined by Gerry Ward, technical director (claims) and Neil Hopkinson, finance and business support director (claims).

All three were based in Tunbridge Wells and joined AXA in 2009 when AXA subsidiary Swiftcover acquired the claims handling company SIMS, which they had founded.

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