InsureandGo estimates that UK consumers could save up to £275m in premiums by shopping around for the most competitive travel insurance.
New research commissioned by InsureandGo reveals that the average annual trip premium is now around £123.03. If traveling just to the EU, the average annual premium is £103.19, this rises to £133.84 for worldwide annual cover and £141.28 for travel to America. However, the corresponding figures for the 25% most competitive insurers are £61.12, £78.48 and £79.34 respectively.
Perry Wilson, director at InsureandGo, commented: “The difference in travel insurance premiums between the most expensive and the most competitive is huge so it really pays to shop around for cover. One way of avoiding paying over the odds for your travel insurance is to not purchase cover from travel agents and tour operators as our research shows they can be double the price of the most competitive insurers.”