Law firm Weightmans is warning the insurance industry that it has less than two months to prepare for the introduction of the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000.

The firm says the new regulations will have an impact on all business that employ part-time workers.

The main points are:

  • Part-timers must not have a lower basic rate of pay than comparable full-timers, unless it can be justified on objective grounds ( e.g. profit-related pay)
  • Entitled to the same training opportunities as full-timers.
  • Equal access to occupational pension schemes as full-timers, unless the difference can be justified on objective grounds.
  • Part-timers are not treated less favourable when being selected for redundancy, unless the different treatment can be objectively justified.
  • Receive the same sick pay and maternity pay rights as full time workers (adjusted pro rata)
  • Same annual holiday leave, parental leave and time-off for dependents as full timers.
  • Entitled to receive pay at overtime rates once they have worked the same number of hours as an ordinary full-time worker.

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