The number of brokers using Open GI technology to automate scheme processing has doubled over the past 12 months and is set to increase, according to the company.

Simon Hughes, sales and marketing director, said: “Scheme automation has become a much higher priority for brokers.

"Many firms are developing new schemes in order to capitalise on their unique strengths and an increasing number realise that their existing schemes can be made that much more profitable via the use of technology.

"Basically brokers want to benefit from the same processing efficiencies that exist for open market products.”

Hughes said the number of brokers integrating their schemes via the web is also set to rise. He said: “In today's increasingly competitive and commoditised market brokers are not only seeking out new niches but also new distribution channels. If they can e-enable their unique scheme, they can effectively generate new business online without the extra staff costs.

"After all, to grow schemes at a profitable level, it's important to maximise margins and minimise administrative costs wherever possible.“