The marketplace and appetite for broker schemes in UKGI is incredibly active right now, according to insurer Hiscox, as an increasing number of brokers, MGAs and insurers look to provide particular products across specialist niches to address the needs of clearly defined demographics.

Although broker schemes present an attractive growth opportunity, ensuring they are fit for purpose, profitable and effective is highly important and requires a close-knit partnership between insurers and brokers. This webinar, hosted by Insurance Times and delivered in conjunction with Hiscox, looked at:

  • How to pair broker expertise with insurer appetite to build a sector-specific scheme.
  • How to create an efficient team structure at both insurers and brokers to support the ongoing effective management of a broker scheme.
  • The culture and mindset of insurers and brokers which underpins successful broker schemes.
  • The elements that make a profitable partnership between insurers and brokers – what both parties bring to the table and how to identify the right partner for your firm.
  • How to use data and analytics to tailor broker schemes to specific customer demographics.
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