Mark Cliff will become a non-executive chairman at Brightside, but will remain in charge until a successor is found

Mark Cliff is preparing to step down has chief executive of Brightside Group.

Cliff has taken on the role of non-executive chairman at Brightside in a move designed to pave the way for the appointment of a new chief executive.

However, he will continue to run the Bristol-based business in the meantime. 

Cliff joined Brightside as executive chairman in May 2015 and additionally became chief executive in September 2015.

He said the broker had been through a significant transformation programme, in that time, and that it was “the right time to step back from the coal face and bring in a new CEO to take Brightside on the next stage of its journey.”

As well as his role as Brightside Group’s non-executive chairman, Cliff said he is free to take on other non-executive roles across the industry.

He added: “I still have a lot to offer the industry, and am keen to broaden my horizons and take on additional challenges.”

Cliff on his three years with Brightside

“I am immensely proud of our achievements in revitalising a broker that had lost some of its soul.

“Our performance has been transformed, our policy count continues to grow, we have excellent relationships with our panel insurers and our business partners, and we are on plan to meet our targets for this financial year.

“In particular, with the close support of AnaCap, I have been a strong champion for digitisation, and our investment in digital distribution.

“With continued investment including the implementation of AI and robotics in the back office, Brightside will further grow our presence and competitive position in the personal lines market.

“As someone who until this role had spent most of my career on the insurer side, I am proud to be a broker.

“It remains the most exciting, dynamic and entrepreneurial sector within our industry.

“While the past three years have posed challenges, I will be preparing to step back confident in the knowledge Brightside has transformed itself into a digital broker, in much better shape and confident about its future.”

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Only last October Cliff told Insurance Times about the progress Brightside has made during his time there



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