Jack Burton was sentenced for making nine fraudulent claims against several insurers including Aviva, RSA, Allianz and Direct Line Group

An ex-insurance call handler has been sentenced after using and abusing his knowledge and position to steal over £10,000.

Following an investigation by the City of London Police’s Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED), Jack Burton, 27, was sentenced to 12 months in prison.

He made nine fraudulent claims against several insurers including Aviva, RSA, Allianz and Direct Line Group. He also pleaded guilty to abusing his position as an insurance claims handler at AXA, stealing £7,779.

Aviva had suspicions

In July 2017, Aviva suspected fraudulent insurance claims had been made against a policy under his name and a company that was linked to him called Jabur Holding Ltd. It then notified IFED who started making enquiries.

It was discovered that Burton had also made fraudulent claims against policies he had incepted with Direct Line Group, RSA and AXA.

Between December 2016 and April 2017, he made seven claims against these policies for theft, loss or damage to various items, including a MacBook Pro, a Canon camera and an i-Pro camera. 

He altered invoices, provided photographs of the allegedly stolen items, was abusive to call centre staff in a bid to force through the claims, and even adopted a Birmingham accent to hide his identity.

Abuse of position

It was also found that Burton worked as an insurance claims call handler for AXA between 2015 and 2016.

AXA reportedly had concerns about his conduct during his tenure and a review was carried out.

Burton used his position to manipulate genuine claims for his own personal gain. He processed payments for 10 genuine motor insurance claims but added car hire services to these claims that the customer didn’t require and had never asked for.

He would then divert the payment for these services into his own bank account.  

Once arrested in November 2017, Burton admitted to the fraudulent behaviour, claiming he did it because he was heavily in debt and couldn’ cope financially.

But, on analysis of his bank statements, he was not using the money to relieve his debts. He was hiring expensive cars, staying in expensive hotels, and visiting attractions such as Madame Tussauds and Alton Towers.

More fraud detected

After this review of his accounts, it was revealed that Burton made two more fraud claims, one of them against Allianz for stolen goods from a parked vehicle.

He was questioned again in February 2018 and again admitted to both cases.

Three of the nine claims were paid, worth just over £3000.

“No one is out of reach”

City of London Police detective Sergeant Matt Hussey, who led the investigation, said: “Burton had a good knowledge of the insurance industry and he used this knowledge, as well as his position, to steal money from his employer and other insurers. 

“The insurers involved in this case provided valuable support during our investigation, and with their help, Burton has been brought to justice for his deceitful and fraudulent actions.” 

Tom Wilson, counter-fraud manager at AXA Insurance said: “Burton’s fraudulent activities were prolific, taking advantage of his employment at AXA as well as a number of other insurers.

”We are thankful to IFED and all the other insurers that worked together to ensure he was brought to justice. I am pleased Burton admitted to all of the offences and the case was able to progress quickly.” 

Tom Gardiner, Head of Fraud, Aviva, said: “We are very pleased that Aviva detected Burton’s fraudulent activity in the first place, and went on to void all his claims and work closely with IFED and other insurers to end Burton’s fraud and abuse of his position of trust.

”This case shows that no one is out of reach, and insurers have very effective mechanisms for working together to stamp out and prosecute insurance fraud and ensure there are consequences to fraudsters.

”Burton is now out of work and a lot worse off, not better off, as a result of his fraud.”








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