It has access to 3 million quality tested, warranty assured reclaimed parts to support the vehicle repair market 

Insurers and fleet operators impacted by a threat to supply chain continuity in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak have been offered short notice support from e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management.

The UK-based salvage and recycling network is closely monitoring the virus implications by issuing appropriate updates to staff, network members and clients.

This support is for insurers and fleet operators that may be impacted by service continuity issues in the event their vehicle recovery and salvage partner is compromised by coronavirus.

For example, should self-isolation of staff or potential exposure to the virus affect one member company within the network, service continuity will be provided by an alternate member, it said.

e2e can provide this support because of its network status. It will guarantee consistency of service as all network members operate to agreed service standards set out in the e2e member agreement, as well ensuring its clients are not exposed to service interruptions.

Serious situation

Neil Joslin, chief operating officer at e2e said: “Coronavirus represents a serious situation which we are monitoring very closely, and our plans are constantly under review. Our thoughts are with those suffering from the virus and communities already impacted.

“The health and safety of our staff and our network members is our priority, alongside ensuring service continuity for our clients.

”We have restricted all non-essential external meetings and are issuing regular handwashing and sanitiser reminders to staff.

”We are currently working with our network to ensure technicians are working with the appropriate clothing and personal protection equipment to mitigate risk when dealing with vehicles.”

It is also supporting insurers, fleet operators and the vehicle repair market as uncertainties and delays in the supply of OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts grow, fueled by the challenges presented by Coronavirus.

It does this by providing access to over 3 million quality tested, warranty assured reclaimed parts, dispatched within 24 hours of order and is seeing demand steadily increase.

As part of its standard risk mitigation planning, the company’s IT infrastructure enables all head office to staff to work remotely from home and its facility is regularly tested to ensure its smooth operation.

This includes head office staff training related to cyber-crime, anti-money laundering, information security and data protection, equips handlers to identify anomalies and ‘fake news’, helping to protect clients from those seeking to exploit Coronavirus with insurance scams.