’We are dedicated to empowering industries with the technology needed to tackle critical issues,’ says corporate vice president

Howden has teamed up with Microsoft to launch a new platform that aims to help clients increase their climate resilience.

Called Howden Resilience Laboratory, the platform allows clients to model climate scenarios and assess financial impacts.

It also uses Microsoft technology to provide data driven propositions for challenges associated with climate change.

Bill Borden, corporate vice president of worldwide financial services at Microsoft, said: ”At Microsoft, we are dedicated to empowering industries with the technology needed to tackle critical issues like climate change.

“The Howden Resilience Laboratory is using technology and data platforms to model, understand and mitigate climate risks in ways that were previously unachievable. Together, we are helping businesses make informed decisions that not only manage risk, but drive long-term sustainability and resilience.”

Upcoming demonstration

The platform has been built in accordance with the Physical Climate Risk Assessment Methodology (PCRAM).

Between 22 and 29 September, Howden and Microsoft will showcase an automated modelling approach that enabled asset investors to understand, pre-investment, the impact of physical climate risks on the asset.

Lyn Grobler, chief information officer at Howden, said: “Asset owners, investors and wider stakeholders face evolving and complex pressures from risks related to climate change.

“This collaboration with Microsoft allows us to create a world class innovation hub powered by data, artificial intelligence (AI) and computation, to model climate scenarios and assess financial impacts, which will enable strategic and confident investment decisions that protect assets and businesses.”

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