Insurance Times rounds up the biggest stories from this week

This week in Insurance Times, we started off with an piece looking into the key takeaways from this year’s Insurance Times eTrading Report that examined highly requested products, the dominance of software houses and eTrading trade offs. 

High Five monkey

Catch up on the previous week’s biggest stories here: High Five – Catch up on the biggest stories this week

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After that, Insurance DataLab co-founder Matt Scott took a dive into how SME brokers could keep up in the industry’s ongoing war for talent. 

Later in the week, junior reporter Chantal Kapani investigated the ”ongoing debate” around whether MGAs should look to take advantage of the Lloyd’s market in opposition to utilising traditional insurers’ capacity. 

Following this, contributor Jon Guy provided an article on the costs of ignoring travel insurance as the UK’s populations increasingly intends to jet off internationally. 

And topping off the week, deputy editor Yiannis Kotoulas looked into the “emerging threat” of fraud in pet insurance lines, with the dangers only just starting to be comprehended by a growing sector. 

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