The new tool can check over half a million motor quotes every day

Aviva has today launched a new fraudulent behaviour screening tool which will allow it to check over 550,000 quotes every day.

The insurer says the tool is detecting 20% more fraudulent applications while reducing the number of fraudulent claims it is subject to in the future.

The tool monitors the quotes in real time, which it says helps applications where facts have been altered many times, possibly to get a cheaper quote at the end of it.

Research by Aviva found that policies which are fraudulently purchased have up to a 350% greater risk of generating a fraudulent claim. By taking action to prevent fraud at the point of sale, Aviva says it is able to devote more time and resource to genuine customers and keep their premiums low.

The insurer insisted genuine customers will not see any difference in the application process, as the tool only takes one second to check for potential fraud.

The product has already been tested across Aviva, QuoteMeHappy and General Accident brands, with Aviva now rolling it out to its broker channel.

Tom Gardiner, head of fraud, Aviva UK General Insurance, said, “We know the overwhelming majority of our customers are honest. By screening applications at the point of quote we are stopping fraudsters from accessing our products, keeping premiums low for genuine customers, and taking friction out of the process when customers come to claim – enabling our staff to focus on servicing our customers.”

Value of claims

Aviva has reported a 5.4% increase in the value of detected fraud in 2017, worth £90m (2016: £85m). Last year the insurer avoided more than 14,000 policies where the applicant had known links to fraud.

Gardiner continued: “We have moved the fight against claims fraud from ‘detection’ to ‘prevention’, from the point of claim to the point of sale, and from post-sale to real time.

”We’re finding 20% more fraud that previously went undetected. By identifying suspicious behaviour at point of purchase, we’ve been able to provide our claims teams with more time to focus on genuine customers, providing a better claims experience while keeping our premiums low.”



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