For the second day of advent, Carpenters Group director Donna Scully highlights that Christmas is all about giving 

For the festive period and continuing every day until Christmas Eve, Insurance Times speaks to a selection of industry personalities about what they’d like to find under the tree for 2024.  

What was your insurance industry highlight of 2023?

There have been many highlights this year despite it being a tough year for insurance too. For me, it’s been realising the depth of kindness and camaraderie we have as an industry and how caring we can be with each other. 


Donna Scully

I’ve jointly run a Sunday Breakfast Club for the homeless and people struggling for over six years now. I use social media to tell their stories and raise awareness of their plight. 

Throughout this year, at various events, people have donated horseracing winnings, made donations when I’ve danced (badly), raised money at corporate events and donated warm clothes to help support what we do on Sundays.

Insurance people from various organisations have contacted me to ask how they could help. 

What is your Christmas message for your insurance colleagues?

We dust ourselves down as 2023 closes and we look towards 2024 positively with our customers and colleagues at the centre of all our plans.

We continue as an industry to work on our diversity and inclusion (DEI) agenda and walk the walk. Yes, insurance is behind the curve, but we can change that together. 

We must continue to see how and when technology and artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance what we do and the service we offer but must remain cautious about it too.

For me, it will always be a combination of emotional and AI and our wonderful people make us what we are.

What do you hope to find under the industry’s Christmas tree for 2024?

Can I ask Santa for some stability for us please! It’s been a very tough few years with the pandemic, whiplash reforms, Brexit and the war in Ukraine. It’s been a lot to deal with but, as an industry, we’ve shown our mettle and determination to look after our customers and have stood on.

As a reward for all our hard work, can I ask Santa to also leave us, our people and our families peace, joy and some festive fun too. Please!

BSS 2024/25