The Integer board has written to its members claiming that its proposed scheme of arrangement is to the advantage of Stop Loss Recovery Group (SLRG) members.

If Integer members approve the scheme of arrangement it would allow the distribution of Integer assets on condition of granting waivers of legal action against certain parties.

It said the SLRG executive clamed the settlement of litigation was imminent, but Integer argues, trial is not expected until 2007.

The letter tells Integer members if they vote in favour of the scheme they would receive a share of the run-off's assets. However, a no vote could result in the more of the funds being spent on legal proceedings.

Integer chairman Harry Studholme said: "Our members are considering whether to have the assets of Integer distributed soon or to delay and face the uncertain future of the SLRG's litigation.

"The costs and risks of continued litigation make a vote in favour of the scheme the clear choice for all Integer members."