The industry is right to be concerned about a potential lack of qualified loss adjusters (News, 31 July). The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters is actively addressing the potential shortage. We carefully monitor the age profiles of our qualified members and are targeting non-qualified members and new entrants with our latest DVD, which gives an insight into the career. It must be remembered that loss-adjusting practices employ other professionals, such as accountants, lawyers and surveyors, who have their own qualifications.
The process to qualify as a chartered loss adjuster is rigorous and we have no intention of reducing standards. However, we shall shortly be launching a range of exams, which we hope will appeal to those working in loss adjusting and in all areas of claims. We also expect shortly to provide a series of professional electronic text books, which will be available to all.
I see no lack of demand for qualified loss adjusters in the future. For that demand there will also be supply and the institute will always be there to assist that supply.
Malcolm Edwards
Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters