Biba has called on brokers to do more to combat fraud and is setting up a committee to assist brokers to report fraud. Its initial focus will be to provide brokers with a single point of contact with insurers.

“This is a genuine commitment between Biba and the ABI to look at ways brokers can help to tackle fraud,” said Peter Staddon, head of technical services at Biba.

“There are too many occasions when brokers, having picked up on fraudulent activity, don’t know who they should be talking to. Brokers have a duty under regulation to ensure that the client they deal with are whiter than white.”

A meeting between Biba officials and the ABI will be held on 16 August.

Biba’s fraud committee will consist of between eight and ten of the associstion officials, including representatives from each of its property, liability and motor divisions, as well as a compliance officer.

A spokesman for Biba said that the wide spectrum of its membership meant that awareness of – and the ability to report – fraudulent activity was varied. Consequently, Biba will offer training to its members.
