DAC Beachcroft’s motor group partner on RTA claims portal expansion

The government is determined to extend the road traffic accident (RTA) claims portal process by April.

Sceptics challenge this. Yet the portal is just a secure means of exchanging information electronically and should work as effectively for other claim types and values.

A liability-admitted employers’ and public liability claim may need more time for defendants to investigate, but is no more complex than an RTA one. Likewise for higher value cases. The few falling between £10,000 and £25,000 are mainly soft tissue injuries and simple fractures. These are no more complex and do not justify an inflated fixed fee.

While reduced fixed costs would be a welcome by-product of the impending referral fee ban, further reform to implement fixed costs for all fast-track claims is crucial. Without it, the costs ‘gap’ will only exacerbate behaviours seen now, where the claimant seems ancillary to the claims process.

Peter Allchorne is motor group partner at DAC Beachcroft