The government must deliver on its renewed commitment to carry forward increased spending on flood defences, said the ABI.

Following the announcement of the government's spending review, the ABI has asked Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett for detailed reassurances about the level of spending on flood defences over the next three years.

ABI director general Mary Francis, said: “The Chancellor has not specified the precise level of flood defence investment as he did two years ago.

“But we note that the Government has given a commitment to the importance of flood management, and will ‘carry forward' the previous increase in spending. The settlement appears to provide adequate provision up to 2008.

“Margaret Beckett has also made it clear that spending on flood defences is a spending priority for her Department.

“All homeowners in areas that are vulnerable to flooding will now be looking for detailed reassurances that the Government will continue to maintain and improve our flood defences during the rest of this decade.”

Spending for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) will rise by 1.2% over the next three years, the Chancellor announced yesterday.

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