Plastics fabricator Neil Blocksage's new product is designed to put an end to the use of matchboxes and coins as measures of scale in claims photographs.

His Liverpool business Accu-Form has launched Accu-Read, a measuring block designed to display depth accurately when photographed.

Every £69 block is serial numbered, with its own certificate of accuracy, which Blocksage said was invaluable when the photographs were used as evidence in court.

He got the idea while watching the repair of footpath holes that had been marked out by a local council as contributing to injury claims.

"They needed a standard or yardstick. There's obviously a market for it." Blocksage said.

He said the Accu-Read device was made of a durable acrylic resin composite to a machined calibrated tolerance of +/- 0.10mm.

"The calibration itself has distinctive black-on-white markings and numerals, giving a clear indication of the 'trip line'," Blocksage said.

He said the product would be useful to local authorities, solicitors, surveyors, loss adjusters and claims investigators.
