Fee and commission income (1999): £168.1m
Pre-tax profit (1999): £74.5m
Head office:
PO Box 106
37 Broad Street
BS99 7NQ
Tel: 0117 926 3000
Website add ...
Fee and commission income (1999): £168.1m
Pre-tax profit (1999): £74.5m
Head office:
PO Box 106
37 Broad Street
BS99 7NQ
Tel: 0117 926 3000
Website address: natwest.com
Major shareholders: Royal Bank of Scotland
Company history: Natwest Insurance Services has been providing insurance advice and support to the customers of Natwest over a period of 65 years. In March 2000, Natwest merged with Royal Bank of Scotland.
Main lines of business: Personal lines, credit protection, small business and independent financial planning
Number of UK branches: Through Natwest branches (approx. 1,700)
Number of employees (average for 1999): 1,200
Greatest technological advance: The provision of an increasing number of services over the internet, as more and more customers choose to do business this way.