Net premiums written 1999: $12,554m (£8,810.4m)

European head office
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2
PO Box 538
34132 Trieste

Tel: + 39 040 6711 Fax: +39 040 671 600

Established in 1831

Assicurazioni Generali was established on December 26, 1831, and the company's initial capital was two million florins. A few months after its foundation, Generali began to expand within the Habsburg Empire (Vienna, Budapest, Prague). The opening of offices in the principal countries of Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland) was the following step in the company's growth. Generali then expanded into the Balkans and Eastern Europe, from Warsaw to St. Petersburg and, within a few decades, had also reached Africa, Asia and North and South America.

At the end of the First World War, Trieste, following the dissolution of the empire, became part of Italy and lost its important function as the port for an extensive hinterland. Nonetheless, Generali went ahead with a massive programme to expand its organization and group structure, setting up companies in Italy and elsewhere and acquiring significant stakes in existing insurance companies.

The exclusion from the Eastern European markets in the post-war period of Second World War meant that the company lost 14 insurance companies and considerable property. More recently, the process of growth has been followed by a rationalization which led to the transformation of certain branches abroad into locally-based companies.

Europ Assistance Gesellschaft Ges, Austria
Europäische Reiseversicherungs, Austria
Generali Holding Vienna, Austria
Generali Rueckversicherung Austria
Generali Versicherung, Austria.
Interunfall Versicherung, Austria
Generali Aetna Marketing Office, Belgium
Generali Belgium, Belgium
Generali Pojistovna, Czech Republic
Assicurazioni Generali, Denmark
Generali Global, France
Am Prudence, France
Europ Assistance, France
Europ Assistance Holding, France
Européenne de Protection Juridique, France
Generali France Assurances, France
Generali France Assurances-Vie, France
Generali France Holding, France
Gpa-Iard, France
Gpa-Vie, France
L'Equité, France
La Federation Continentale, France
La France Vie, France
Prudence Vie, France
Generali Global Ges, Germany
Aachener und Münchener Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Germany
Aachener und Münchener Lebensversicherung, Germany
Aachener und Münchener Versicherung, Germany
Advocard Rechtsschutzversicherung, Germany
Central Krankenversicherung, Germany
Cosmos Krankenversicherung, Germany
Cosmos Lebensversicherung, Germany
Cosmos Versicherung, Germany
Dialog Lebensversicherung, Germany.
Dialog Versicherung, Germany
Europ-Assistance Versicherung, Germany

Generali Lloyd, Germany
Generali Lloyd Lebensversicherung, Germany
Generali Lloyd Versicherung, Germany
Generali Rechtsschutz Versicherung, Germany
Thuringia Versicherungs, Germany
Volksfürsorge Deutsche Krankenversicherung, Germany
Volksfürsorge Deutsche Lebensversicherung, Germany
Volksfürsorge Deutsche Sachversicherung, Germany
Volksfürsorge Holding, Germany
Generali Hellas A.E.A.Z. Greece
Generali Life Hellenic Insurance Company, Greece
Generali International, Guernsey
Generali Worldwide Insurance Company, Guernsey
Generali Providencia Biztosító Rt, Hungary
Assicurazioni Generali, Ireland Branch
Europ Assistance, Ireland
Assicurazioni Generali – Direzione Centrale, Italy
Assicurazioni Generali – Ufficio Delegato, Italy
Assicurazioni Generali – Direzione per l'Italia, Italy
Assicurazioni Generali – Uffici di Milano, Italy
Adriavia, Italy
Alleanza Assicurazioni, Italy
Assiba Società di Assicurazioni, Italy
Assitalia - Le Assicurazioni d'Italia, Italy
Europ-Assistance Italia Italy
FATA - Fondo Assicurativo Tra Agricoltori, Italy
INA - Istituto Nazionale Delle Assicurazioni, Italy
La Venezia Assicurazioni , Italy
Prime Augusta Vita, Italy
Risparmio Assicurazioni, Italy
Risparmio Vita, Italy
Trieste e Venezia Assicurazioni – Genertel, Italy
Ums Generali Marine, Italy
Assicurazioni Generali – Jersey Branch
Fortuna Lebensversicherungs A.G., Liechtenstein

Europ-Assistance, Luxembourg
Generali Luxembourg,Luxemburg
Middle Sea Insurance Co., Malta
Assicurazioni Generali, Netherlands
Generali Levensverzekering Mij, Netherlands
Generali Schadeverzekering Mij, Netherlands
Generali Verzekeringsgroep, Netherlands
N.V. Levensverzekerings Maatschappij Eerste Hollandsche, Netherlands
N.V.Schadeverzekering-Maatschappij Eerste Hollandsche, Netherlands
Generali Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen, Poland.
Generali Zycie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen, Poland
Assicurazioni Generali, Portugal
Generali Vida Companhia de Seguros, Portugal
Generali Asigurari, Romania
Generali Poistovna, Slovakia
Generali-Skb Zavarovalnica, Slovenia
Generali Global, Spain
Banco Vitalicio de España, Spain
BCH Seguros Generales, Spain
BCH Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Spain
Europ-Assistance España, Spain
Generali España, Holding de Entidades de Seguros, Spain
La Estrella, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Spain
Europ Assistance (Suisse), Switzerland
Fortuna Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft, Switzerland
Generali (Schweiz) Holding, Switzerland
Generali Allgemeine Versicherungen, Switzerland
Generali Personenversicherungen, Switzerland
Generali-Kent Sigorta, Turkey
Assicurazioni Generali, UK
Generali Global, UK
Generali Global, UK
Europ Assistance Holding, UK
Europ-Assistance Insurance, UK

Key personnel
Gianfranco Gutty- chairman and managing director
Antoine Bernheim, deputy-chairman
Fabio Cerchiai, deputy-chairman
Francesco Cingano, deputy-chairman
Giovanni Perissinotto, managing director