A round-up of the latest insurance stories online

Three weeks into the year and the obsession with Quinn continues. The history of Irish insurer Quinn Insurance is well documented, but its future is still unclear.

The UK insurance market may not miss Quinn as a competitor since it was barred from commercial business and restricted on its motor book, but the sector is following newsof the impending sale with great interest.

Until that happens, stories about the Irish insurer will no doubt continue to attract clicks on our website, as one of our recent stories about the firm proved when it became the most read on the site over the past week.

Events dominating the global news agenda found their place on the chart too, particularly coverage of the Australian floods since, as is so often the case in these kinds of situations, the insurance industry is in the thick of it. Our story on the potential impact on Lloyd’s insurers caught readers’ eyes.

And it’s not often a celebrity with such status as David Beckham appears in the top 10. But when it was reported that the football star’s loan move to Tottenham Hotspur had fallen through because of insurance issues, readers flooded to the website to read more.

As they did after news that Willis had snatched a major property account. The story featured in last week’s issue, but was also a hit online. The introduction of Continuous Insurance Enforcement has also been a particularly hot topic.

In our blogs section, check out our series of blogs called: ‘Five things you need to know about Solvency II’ by expert consultant Petra Wildemann of technology firm SunGard.

Online Top 10

No Quinn sale yet - administrator

Quinn Insurance administrator urges staff not to ‘prejudice’ sale

Australian floods could hit Lloyd's insurers

Chaucer, Catlin, Hiscox and Lancashire profits under pressure from NZ quake and Australian floods, warns analyst

David Beckham's Spurs move hit by insurance

Insurance stumbling block in Beckham loan deal

Willis wins major property account

Workspace Group account won from Kerry London

Norwich and Peterborough buys broker

Building Society’s broking arm completes acquisition

RSA unveils new distribution director

New appointment to lead RSA’s commercial distribution strategy

Insurance giants agree to curb data swapping

OFT investigation raised concerns over risk of price co-ordination

Valentine's Day start for AXA's Amanda Blanc

New AXA commercial chief executive to begin ‘great challenge’

Canopius and Omega in merger rumours

Shareholders may acccept 120p a share

Biba submits plan to reduce cost of motor insurance

Broker body urges government to implement eight-point plan

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