What newspaper do you read?
What newspaper do you read?
FT and The Times
What career did you wish to have as child?
Anything to do with money
What do you like best about the insurance industry?
The people
What would you do tomorrow if you left the insurance industry?
Be disappointed
What is the biggest insurance claim you have made?
£3m for a burnt down factory, which was at my last job
What do you advise someone starting out in insurance?
Be honest
Who do you most admire?
Steve Redgrave
What is your favourite quote?
I hate yes men. I like people who tell me the truth even if it does cost them their jobs (Lord Hanson)
What is your most over-used phrase?
Customer focus
What is it that keeps you awake at night?
The cat setting off the alarm
How do you relax if you do not play at golf?
I am currently learning to play golf
What was your first job?
Investment Analyst
Where did you grow up?
What was your education?
Catholic and Arts
What is your favourite film?
What is your favourite book?
Lord of the Rings
What is your favourite dinner?
With friends and family
How often do you make use of public transport?
Not often enough
How did you vote in the last election?
With difficulty