Shane Sayers, partner at Kennedy's, loves English tea, Italian coffee, Spanish painting, Cuban politicians, American films and dirty jokes....

What newspaper do you read?
International Herald Tribune, Times, News of the World

What career did you want to have when you were a child?
Lawyer – just like Perry Mason

What was the worst business decision you have ever made?
Not to open an Italian coffee shop in London 10 years ago

What do you like best about insurance?
Travel, friends and challenging work

What would you do tomorrow if you left the insurance industry?
Write an international hotel guide for families

How do you relax if you do not play golf?
Spending time with my wife Janet and the children

What is the biggest insurance claim you have ever made?
£3,500 for a lost watch

Who do you most admire?
Fidel Castro

Do you have an unfulfilled ambition?
To own a Picasso

On dress down Friday, what do you wear?
If we had one – polo shirt and chinos

How many people have you sacked?
A few, but very reluctantly

What is your most over-used phrase?
"Sylvia can you please find..."

What keeps you awake at night?
My son's exams

What advice would you give someone starting in insurance today?
Work hard and make friends

What was your first job?
Carrying people's baggage for sixpence at Margate Station

Where did you grow up?
Margate, Ohio, California, New York, Margate

What was your education?
Babylon High School, Chatham House Grammar School, University of Kent and Guildford College of Law

What is your favourite quote?
"Be careful how you treat people on the way up – you never know who you will meet on the way down"

What is your favourite film?
In the Heat of the Night

What is your favourite book?
Hotel New Hampshire

What is your favourite tea?
English breakfast in a mug

What is your favourite joke?
What does Bill Clinton say to Monica after an awful meal? "Sack my cook."

How often to you use public transport?
As seldom as possible

Who do you vote for?

How did you vote in the last election?

Are you in favour of the euro?
