Parents have been urged to ensure their children have valid insurance coverage when participating in study abroad programmes. said, in the wake of the Madrid bombings, parents should be sure to thoroughly scrutinise study abroad programmes to ensure that their children have proper insurance coverage in the event of something going wrong.
“Parents need to be cautious and thorough when sending kids abroad,” said, principal agent Ross Mason.
“Many insurance policies seem thorough at first, until you get to the fine print, where premiums skyrocket or coverage ends as soon as you leave the country.
He urged parents to inquire about international terrorism coverage, and whether policies have it built in, offer riders, or have none at all. Regardless of the form of coverage, Mason said international terrorism insurance, particularly when US students travel abroad, was vital in the current geopolitical climate.
“Unfortunately, the nature of world events means that American students probably need to take more precautions than normal, especially when travelling overseas,” Mason said.