’We’re making sure that those flouting the law have nowhere to hide,’ says head of enforcement

The Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB) has helped police catch motorists driving uninsured on a motorway.

The operation, which took place yesterday (11 July 2024), saw the MIB work with officers from Greater Manchester, Merseyside, West Yorkshire, Cheshire and Humberside Police along the 107 mile stretch of M62 carriageways.

Across the day, over 90 additional road policing officers along the M62 used several methods to identify uninsured drivers.

This included vehicles passing ANPR cameras being compared to data held on Navigate, the record of all active motor insurance policies that is managed by the MIB.

To support each of the forces, MIB law enforcement liaison officers joined police at the roadside.

Some 181 stops were made by 4pm, with several vehicles being seized as a result of being uninsured.

Over a third (38%) of stops uncovered secondary offences, including drug offences and the use of mobile phones whilst driving.

Chief Constable Jo Shiner, Sussex Police’s NPCC lead for roads policing, said: “I am delighted to see MIB coordinating Operation M62 during July.

“This is a month we know has higher rates of collisions resulting in death and injury than any other month during the year. Working alongside our key partner MIB, to take risk off our roads, is making our roads safer for all.”

’Nowhere to hide’

This was the second multi-force operation across UK motorways, with one being carried out on the M4 in April.

Martin Saunders, head of enforcement at the MIB, said: “We know that uninsured driving is just one of many pressing priorities for our police colleagues. Following the success of Operation M4, it’s clear that supporting forces in designating time to focus on uninsured driving allows this issue to be tackled head on in a targeted and consistent manner.

”We know the benefits will be widely felt across all different areas of the community, making the M62 and surrounding areas safer.

“We’re continuing to shape further multi-force operations across different areas of the UK. This is just one more way, in a wider range of initiatives, in which we’re making sure that those flouting the law have nowhere to hide.”

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