’This is a great opportunity to bring new capacity to the market,’ says appointee

Specialty MGA UK has hired Amir Hussain as its new head of political and credit risk.

The move come as the MGA expands into the political risk market, with Hussain taking on the responsibility of leading this new line of business.

Initially, he will be focused on reaching out to the market and underwriting a sound book of business.

However, over time Hussain and Specialty MGA UK will look to grow the team and increase the capacity they bring to the market.

Hussain said: “Building a new line of business requires entrepreneurialism, energy and dedication and I have always enjoyed the challenge it presents.

“This is a great opportunity to bring new capacity to the market and make political risk a significant part of Specialty MGA’s offering.”


During his career, Hussain has worked as a credit analyst at Barclays, as well as in underwriting for Lloyd’s syndicates such as Brit and Hamilton.

He specialises in political risk, contract frustration and credit risk and has experience of building from scratch and managing a global book of business.

MNK Group chairman Manoj Kumar said: His background of rapidly developing business in international political risk means he is a fantastic addition to the team.

“Now is the right time for us to enter the market, given that there are global opportunities as demand for cover continues to rise.”