LV= and Keoghs are bringing justice to fraud ring who targeted elderly insureds, the oldest being aged 102 

Keoghs and LV=’s counter-fraud and intelligence teams have combined to expose a fraud ring that sought to exploit older drivers by staging a series of minor collisions, predominantly in supermarket car parks.

The beginnings

It all started in November 2016, when LV= approached Keoghs to defend a claim relating to an “accident” that had occurred in a supermarket car park.

The insured driver admitted to reversing into the claimants vehicle, but says he was travelling at a very low speed as he was reversing out of a parking space. He also claimed the other vehicle came out of nowhere as it was travelling in the wrong direction.

LV= and Keoghs then carried out investigations and database interrogation, which identified a ‘significant’ body of claims, all of which shared some common factors.

Every incident involved a defendant policyholder aged 60–90 years, the oldest being 102, who had hit another vehicle at low-speed in a supermarket car park or while pulling away from the roadside.

All incidents also occurred within a one-mile radius within Rochdale. All had a connection to the same solicitor, motor engineering and credit hire company.

Sometimes, the same exact hire vehicle featured.

Exposing a ring

Keoghs, concerned by the potential scale, liaised with insurers across the industry in terms of 23 connected accidents. 

As a result, any claims that were currently underway were halted as there was evidence of fraud, and counter claims were also issued.


The first cases were heard in 2017 at Manchester County Court. The defendants were found guilty and LV= were awarded indemnity costs of £35,000. 

Two further actions were taken out in January this year, also at Manchester County Court. In the first, the judge found that the defendant driver had been deliberately targeted.  The counter claim was awarded in full alongside £25,000 in exemplary damages.

The second action followed immediately, 

a finding of fraud and successful counterclaim with additional exemplary damages was once again the outcome. 

Overall savings in the latter two claims alone exceeded £55,000; others within the suspected fraud ring are due in court over the next few months.

“Fraudsters have no qualms”

Deputy director of fraud rings at Keoghs, Sarah Moat said: “It is sadly plain that fraudsters have no qualms in targeting potentially vulnerable road users. The robust defence of these claims by Keoghs and LV= should send a very clear message to anyone orchestrating that they will not be tolerated.”

Matt Crabtree, LV= linked and organised fraud manager said: “This is a great result for LV= and proof that intelligence-driven investigations are key to defeating organised crime gangs. 

“Working with Keoghs we were able to uncover those preying on potentially vulnerable customers and bring them to justice. Awards of exemplary damages sound a decisive warning that fraud doesn’t pay, as we will always pursue the strongest possible financial and criminal sanctions when confronted with fraudulent claims.”


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