Insurance Times rounds up the biggest stories from the first week of 2024

Starting off the week, technology editor Clare Ruel highlighted how AI was becoming the ‘next industrial revolution’ as it becomes more widely used.

AI ‘essentially next industrial revolution’ and key 2024 theme – PeppercornAI

Then, junior reporter Chantal Kapani asked industry experts how the sector can effectively balance the implementation of environmental policies with profitability.

In Focus: How can the industry integrate environmental policies for sustainable development?

Following this, reporter Isobel Rafferty discussed how geopolitical hotspots for cyber criminal risk have shifted.

Cyber criminal malice shifts away from Russia and Ukraine

And then deputy news editor James Cowen discussed the challenges for insurers offering environmentally-friendly motor policies.

In Focus: Bumps in the road ahead for environmentally-friendly motor policies

Rounding off the week, Rafferty spoke to MorganAsh’s new chairman, who highlighted how his role will help UK insurance firms.

Johnny Timpson: Working with insurance firms to ‘treat vulnerable customers better’

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