The actions follow reports of harassment in the 330-year-old market

Intoxicated Lloyd’s workers could face disciplinary action if their actions lead to poor underwriting, unprofessional conduct or is an aggravating factor in harassment or bullying.

The actions will affect anyone “conducting Lloyd’s business or representing a Lloyd’s business”, a market bulletin read. 

“Lloyd’s considers that drinking alcohol while engaged in business activities within the market may impair the performance of individuals,” the release said.

“In the most serious cases, where consumed irresponsibly, alcohol may be a relevant feature in findings of misconduct, either as an aggravating feature to another disciplinary offence and/or the consumption may result in a stand-alone offence,” it added.

In respect to employees of firms operating in the Lloyd’s market, reports of harassment, bullying or discrimination could lead to actions being taken against the firms directly, Lloyd’s said. In the most serious cases, firms could face deregistration.

Bloomberg recently reported that 18 women had come forward, claiming they had been subjected to “near-persistent harassment” at the market.

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