’This deal compliments our increasing market share in commercial legal expenses insurance,’ says head of partnerships

Arc Legal Group has teamed up with managing general agent (MGA) HB Underwriting to address a gap in the employers’ liability market.

The deal is aimed at helping HB’s policyholders who find themselves as employers because of their care needs. 

According to Arc Legal, traditional home insurance is inadequate for anyone receiving payment from the NHS or a local authority to employ carers or personal assistants for homecare needs, meaning they need different insurance requirements.

HB is now combining Arc Legal’s employment defence cover as an optional add on with its core employers’ liability policy to address this gap.

This offering covers individuals when an employed carer brings proceedings against them in an employment tribunal, including any awards of compensations made. 

Martin Johnson, Arc Legal’s head of partnerships, said: “This deal compliments our increasing market share in commercial legal expenses insurance, across both SME and niche businesses.”

The new offering also gives policyholders access to Arc Legal’s in-house, 24/7 legal assistance helpline for employment-related matters, along with its employment guide.

Kyle Lomas, managing director at HB Underwriting, said: “As a specialist MGA that is dedicated to creating products for customers that are underserved in the marketplace, we are excited to enhance our customer offering by providing online access to Arc Legal’s templates and documents and its legal assistance helpline.

“This will offer expert support to our customers in meeting their legal obligations as an employer and offering legal defence should something go wrong.”

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